Salvation Guide for Kids
“This is an exciting time in a kid’s life. They’re starting to ask questions about their faith. They’re wondering about God and His love for them. They may be asking a lot of questions about Jesus—questions that you may struggle with yourself, or questions that may not have a simple answer. But that’s okay. This is a starting point for your kid to begin a life-long conversation about faith.”
We want to be here to help you navigate these questions too. You don't have to do it alone.
Reach out and let us know how we can help you navigate this exciting season in your child's life.
Contact list by age/grade:
Kristy McKenzie (Preschool Director)
K-4th Grade
Ryan Campbell (Children's Pastor)
5th & 6th Grade
Steve Chatman (Family Pastor)
6th-12th Grade
Jim Fox (Student Pastor)
Bryan Vaughn (NextGen Pastor)