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 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30


There is something for everyone at Daytreat 2023 and we really want you to come and be a part!


  What Is Daytreat?

Daytreat is a one day retreat hosted by the Centered team especially for River women and their guests, age 18 and up.  The day is designed to provide space for friendship, rest, learning, laughter, and drawing close to God.  The goal is to highlight all of the best parts of a retreat, without requiring women to pack a bag or find a roommate for the weekend.


  When Is It?

Daytreat will be held on Saturday, October 21st, at the River Community Church Campus.  Check-in begins at 8:15 a.m. and the event will finish at 7 p.m.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks will be provided.


  How Much Is It?

The cost is $40 per person, with a college student discount available at registration.  Scholarships are available by emailing ccampbell@therivercc.com.  Registration WILL CLOSE on October 9th, so don’t delay!




What can I expect throughout the day?

A little bit of everything.  Good food and new friends, a time of worship, breakout sessions where you decide what you want to learn about, and an afternoon full of fun activities that you choose. We have something for everyone-introverts, extroverts, game enthusiasts, sunshine seekers, crafters, people who want to do absolutely nothing, and those who want to spend the afternoon connecting with the Lord through prayer and quiet time. 


What should I wear?

Whatever feels comfortable to you.  No need to dress up unless that sounds fun to you.  For those who want to participate, there will even be an opportunity to climb prayer mountain and work through the prayer stations alongside other women.  In that case, you’ll want comfy shoes and maybe a warm layer.


How do I register?

Go to signup.therivercc.com and click on the Daytreat image.  This will take you to the registration form.  Don’t wait too long though, registration closes on October 9th!


Will there be childcare available?

No. Because of the length of the event as well as the facility usage, we are not able to offer childcare for this event.


What type of topics are available during breakout sessions?

We have some great choices for you and you will receive the full descriptions in a follow-up email, after registration.  Here is a sneak peak of the titles and presenters:

Morning Breakout Block: 

Busy is a Four-Letter Word-Carol Buckner

Opening Doors to Community-Emma Ford

The Proper Position for Productive Prayer-Amy Key

To Have and to Hold: A Covenant Marriage-Kristy McKenzie

Redeeming the Prodigal Years-Carol Nahm

Holding On to Your Faith in the Hurt- Angie Smuin


Afternoon Breakout Block:

Sharing What is Most Important-Heather McAfee

Space for Grace-Lisa Reeves

Practicing a Rhythm of Sabbath-Meredith Vaughn

Make it Awkward: Normalizing Conversations about Sex in Your Home- Beth Herren

Finding Joy in the Ordinary Moments During the Infant-Toddler Years-Holly Patel


Still have questions?

Please email Christy at ccampbell@therivercc.com to get those answered!