COLLISION STUDENT MINISTRY exists to encourage and inspire a generation of middle and high school students to live for what matters most: Loving God, Loving People, and Impacting the World.
Music & Teaching
With a student led band and great teaching every week, we spend time together engaged in our own unique generation's voice.
Our passion is to REACH students and encourage them to be: Reaching their friends for Christ. Equipped to serve Christ. Attached to a small group. Celebrating Christ in Worship. Helping others, serving like Christ.
Colossians 2:6-7
Small Groups
A safe place to develop friendships, talk about life and learn more from each other about God.Come join us where real life and faith in Christ collide, all are welcome, and relationships thrive.
Contact Jim Fox: jfox@therivercc.com
See You This Wednesday!
5:00 PM - Dinner
6:00 PM - Music and Teaching
7:00 PM - Small Group Discussion