Check out the classes below to sign up now!

The spring session of Midweek will run April 2 through May 21!

Classes will be from 6-7:30p each Wednesday. Childcare will be provided for 4th grade and under. Find more information and register below.

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Behold & Believe // Women’s Bible Study

Who is Jesus?

What if, instead of forming our understanding of Jesus around the opinions of others, we could sit down with him and hear from him ourselves? Through the Bible, we have the opportunity to do just that - to see what Jesus said about himself.

In our next study, Behold & Believe, we will look at Jesus’ seven ‘I AM’ statements in John’s Gospel to see who Jesus says he is.

Sign up today, and invite someone to do it with you! The cost of the study materials is $5 and can paid in person or online at


River 101 // Church Membership Class

Considering becoming a member of The River? Want to know more about who we are and why we do things the way do? In River 101 you’ll learn about our history, theology, mission, structure, and vision for the future.

Join our lead pastor, Steve Tiebout, as he walks you through who we are as a church and how you can become part of our community. Discover what it means to belong, grow, and serve at The River, and take the next step in your journey of faith with us.

Prayer Group Meeting

Pause and join our Midweek Prayer Group, a time dedicated to collective prayer and reflection. This gathering provides a space to unite in faith, offering prayers for our country, community needs, and those facing challenges. All are welcome to join us as we come together to uplift our world through prayer!